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  • The amount of the global carbon emissions is 37.4 billion tons in 2023!

            On March 1st, IEA released the Global Carbon Emission Report 2023. The report pointed out that in 2023, global carbon dioxide emissions increased by 410 million tons, an increase of 1.1%. This has also made global carbon emissions reach a new high of 37.4 billion tons in 2023.

    According to the report, the unusually dry weather in 2023 affected the hydropower output, leading to an increase in energy-related carbon dioxide emissions. However, due to the growth of global photovoltaic and wind power installations and the increase in the number of electric vehicles, the increase in carbon emissions in 2023 is lower than that in 2022. Without clean energy technology, global carbon dioxide emissions will triple in the past five years.

    In 2023, despite the GDP growth of developed economies, their carbon dioxide emissions still showed a record decline. Their emissions have fallen to the lowest level in 50 years, while coal demand has fallen back to the lowest level since the early 1900s. The decline of emissions in developed economies is driven by strong renewable energy installed capacity, coal to gas, improved energy efficiency and weak industrial production. Last year, for the first time, developed economies realized that at least half of their power generation came from low-emission energy sources such as renewable energy and nuclear energy.

    Fatih Birol, executive director of IEA, said: "The clean energy transition has gone through a series of stress tests in the past five years and proved its resilience. COVID-19 epidemic, energy crisis and geopolitical instability may undermine efforts to build a cleaner and safer energy system. On the contrary, we have seen the opposite in many economies. Although the growth of global energy demand in 2023 is stronger than that in 2022, the transformation of clean energy is still advancing rapidly and controlling emissions. The commitments made by nearly 200 countries at the COP28 meeting show what measures the world needs to take to reduce the trajectory of emission decline. Most importantly, we need to make greater efforts to enable emerging and developing economies to increase investment in clean energy. "

    From 2019 to 2023, the growth of clean energy is twice that of fossil fuels. The analysis of the International Energy Agency shows that the expansion of clean energy in the past five years has greatly limited the growth of demand for fossil fuels and provided an opportunity to accelerate the transformation from fossil fuels.

    Another report of IEA, Clean Energy Market Monitoring, shows that the installed capacity growth of clean energy is still excessively concentrated in developed economies and China. By 2023, developed economies and China will account for 90% of new photovoltaic and wind power plants and 95% of electric vehicle sales.

    China has always been a leader in the development and investment of global clean energy technology. The installed capacity of new photovoltaic power generation in China in 2023 is equivalent to the sum of new photovoltaic power generation in the world in 2022. India's strong GDP growth led to an increase of about 190 million tons in emissions in 2023. However, the weaker monsoon leads to an increase in India's electricity demand and a decrease in hydropower production. However, due to the huge population and the decrease in the total number, India's per capita emissions are still far below the world average. Although the European Union achieved 0.7% economic growth, due to the surge in renewable energy generation and the decline in coal and natural gas generation, energy combustion emissions decreased by nearly 9% in 2023. The U.S. economy grew by 2.5%, but because renewable energy and natural gas generated more electricity than coal, emissions decreased by 4.1%.



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