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    2016-2022 WtE Training Workshop Participants List

    International Training Workshop of Waste to Energy has been successfully conducted since 2016 for 6 training workshops, involving more than 140 participants from 25 developing countries, in order to practice the Belt and Road Initiative development strategy and to offer training aid to developing countries. The organizer is Zhejiang University and the workshop chair is Prof. Dr. Xiaodong Li. The participants of WtE are from the 3 sectors of industry, education and research. In this workshop, the state and policy, theory and mechanism, technology and practical applications, pollution control methodology, and design and operation of WtE will be introduced both by in-classroom lectures and technical tours to WtE plants. Since the 5th workshop, training form becomes online, including incineration technology and equipment, operation management, business model, avoidance of NIMBY issues, policies and regulations related to waste treatment and disposal, etc. Furthermore, innovative teaching modes were organized, such as the "Virtual Tour" of waste incineration plants. Attendees gained their knowledge and shared their own expertise and passion. A wealth of feedbacks suggesting further collaboration among multi parties have been received.

    There are approximately 21 reports by about 14 professors per workshop. University professors and government and enterprise experts give the workshop in English, covering the current situation and policy system of garbage disposal in China, garbage characteristics and treatment technology, garbage incineration pollutant control, garbage incineration plant engineering design and operation management, etc. The following is a detailed introduction to the relevant reports:



    Municipal solid waste incineration and its application in China

    1.Zhejiang University and ITPE

    2.Municipal solid waste definition and generation

    3.Current situation of waste incineration

    4.Waste incineration in China

    5.Law and regulation system for MSW management

    6.Experiences of waste incineration application in China

    Pyrolysis and Gasification of Municipal Solid Waste

    1.Mechanism of thermal reactions of biomass including MSW:

    1)pyrolysis (preceeding by drying)

    2)char gasification to produce combustible gases 

    3)glowing char combustion or/and flaming gaseous combustion

    2.Characteristic and distribution of pyrolysis products depend on:

    1)final temperature 

    2)heating rate which in turn depend on pyrolysis technique

    3)constituent of biomass: hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin

    3.MSW may have various components with specific composition of constituents

    4.Configuration of gasifier may dictate the process in pyrolysis and gasification of biomass including MSW

    5.Mass and Heat Balance in the gasification process and that for the entire processing unit are very important

    6.Process simulation may help design and performance of pyrolysis and gasification process

    Economically Feasible Mass Treatment  of MSW Alternative to  Landfilling/Incineration

    1.MSW Separation Technology

    2.Hydrothermal Treatment Technology (HTT)

    3.Pyrolysis Technology

    Fluidized Bed Combustion of Waste

    1.Characteristics and features of waste

    2.Combustion characteristics of typical waste

    3.Combustion reactors & fluidized bed combustion

    4.Design of CFB combustion system for wastes

    5.Introduction of commercial fluidized bed waste to energy plants

    Waste Incineration Boiler Design and Technology

    1.Nantong Wanda Boiler Co.,Ltd introduction

    2.Design and application of fluidized bed incinerator

    3.Design and Application of Grate Incinerator

    4.Waste incineration boiler manufacturing process

    Design and Calculation of MSW Incineration boiler

    1.Flow chart of combustor design

    2.Design calculationand verification calculation

    3.The procedure of thermal calculation

    Grate Stoker Incineration Technology

    1.Grate Combustion

    2.Typical grate provider

    3.WTE system

    4.Cases Study

    Waste Incineration Filter Materials

    1.Common Filter Materials for Waste Incineration

    2.Functional Filter Materials from Zhejiang University and Yanpai Filtration

    3.Short Summary of Yanpai Filtration

    4.Available Service for Belt and Road Markets

    Pollutant Emission Control in WtE Plant

    1.Pollutant Emission Standard Upgrade

    2.Emission Control Technology in MSWI

    3.Fly Ash Property and Treatment

    Management of Municipal Solid Waste in Hangzhou

    1.The overview of Hangzhou

    2.Situation of MSW management

    3.Present challenge & resolution

    4.Future plan for MSW management

    Exploration and Development of New Generation Incineration Technology —JinJiang Environment

    1.Company Introduction

    2.Exploration of Waste fuel preparation

    3.New generation incineration technology

    4.Flue gas and Ash treatment

    5.Integrated solutions

    6.Reflection on the development

    Development and Experience in China’s WtE Industry

    1.Development of China’s WtEMarket & China’s WtEEnterprises

    2.Rapid Changes on Tech Requirement, Models & Regulations, and Awareness

    3.What We Can Bring to the World

    4.SUS Environment

    Dioxin Emission and Control from Waste Incineration

    1.What are dioxins?

    2.Sources of dioxins

    3.Dioxins measurement

    4.Dioxins emission from MSW incineration process

    5.Dioxins formation mechanisms

    6.Dioxins control technologies

    7.Conclusions and recommendations

    Disposal of Sewage Sludge

    1.Waste water treatment process

    2.Sludge dewatering method

    3.Characteristics of sludge

    4.Sludge treatment and disposal methods

    5.Research and development in ZJU

    Waste management and waste-to-energy technologies in European Union and Finland

    1.Municipal solid waste generation and management in European Union and  Finland

    2.Examples of waste-to-energy technologies and plants in Finland

    3.Case studies on environmental impacts of MSW management

    Waste to Energy Technology and Process Engineering

    1.Overview of EverbrightInternational

    2.Introduction of waste incineration system

    3.Incineration power plant system

    4.Everbright Self-developed incineration system

    5.Everbright Self-developed flue gas system

    6.Waste disposal technology

    7.Increase power plant efficiency



    PS: Videos recording the 2016-2018 WtE training workshops are available at: 




    You can find more details about China International Training Program in http://www.cistc.gov.cn/Training/English/index.asp?column=867.

    © 2020 Zhejiang University www.iccwte.org International Consultant Committee of Waste to Energy visits:366369