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    一、康恒环境 SUS Environment


    Founded in 2008, SUS Environment is a leading player in China's environmental protection industry and provides one-stop integrated environmental solution. Leveraging advanced technologies and talent, the Company has focused on and accumulated track records in investing, constructing and operating sanitation & waste-to-energy facilities; and on providing integrated solutions to ecological remediation of contaminated site. Central to the SUS Environment Solution is its patented, proven and award-winning resource recovery technologies. SUS Environment’s projects are designed to meet the rigorous goals established by Chinese and European regulators for greenhouse gas reduction, increased recycling, and landfill minimization. SUS Environment’s extensive operating experience demonstrates their ability to meet these goals while improving the environment in the communities. SUS Environment have been recognized by their clients as a leader in improving operating performance and plant efficiencies while protecting the environment.

    Developed under a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) concession agreement with SUS Environment, construction of the Ningbo waste to energy project began in March 2016. Having only started investing in waste to energy in 2014, over the last four years SUS has developed over 20 plants with a total daily processing capacity of more than 35,000 tonnes. Covering an area of 19.27 ha, the 2250 tonne per day (TPD) Ningbo facility represents an investment by the firm of around RMB 1.4 billion ($215 million). It features three moving grates, each of a 750 TPD capacity, as well as a 50 MW steam turbine and 60 MW generators.


    Based on Hitachi Zosen Inova technology, SUS Environment has developed its own patented reciprocating moving grate system. It is adapted to China’s municipal waste stream, which features a high water content and low calorific value. The grate consists of drying, burning and burnout sections, with 1.3 m drop in between. In addition, a row of cutters is fitted in the middle of the burning section to improve shredding and fully mix waste on the incineration grate. The plant also adopts flue gas cleaning systems including SNCR, Semi-dry and dry DeNOx, activated carbon injection, bag filter, SCR, wet scrubber and gas-gas heating processes.

    Website:  http://www.shsus.cn/en/about/


    二、光大国际 Everbright International


    China Everbright International Limited ("Everbright International" or the "Company") is a flagship company in the industrial investment sector of China Everbright Group Ltd. ("Everbright Group"). Everbright International is listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (HKEX) (257.HK), and has two listed subsidiaries: China Everbright Water Limited, which is listed on the mainboard of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited and the Main Board of HKEX (U9E.SG & 1857.HK), and China Everbright Greentech Limited, which is listed on the Main Board of HKEX (1257.HK). After over a decade of development, the Company has grown into a leading player in China and Asia's environmental protection industries, as well as a world-renowned ecological and environmental management group.


    Everbright International is the first one-stop integrated environmental solution provider in China, with its main businesses covering waste-to-energy and integrated waste treatment, biomass power generation, hazardous waste and solid waste treatment, environmental remediation, waste water treatment, reusable water, water supply, water environment management, waste sorting, sanitation integration, resource recycling, development of zero-waste cities, energy-saving lighting, equipment manufacturing, analysis and testing, research and development relating to green technologies, ecological and environmental planning and designing, as well as environmental protection industrial parks. Everbright International has a business presence in more than 180 locations across 23 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China, as well as overseas markets of Germany, Poland and Vietnam. In 2019, the Company's revenue amounted to over HKD37 billion and total assets reached nearly HKD120 billion, with the number of employees at approximately 13,000.

    Everbright International is strategic partners of the International Coalition for Green Development on the Belt and Road and the Ecological Protection and Green Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. The Company adheres to its corporate mission of being "Devoted to Ecology and Environment for a Beautiful China" and its aspiration to "Create Better Investment Value and Undertake More Social Responsibility". For four consecutive years, Everbright International has been a constituent member of Dow Jones Sustainability Indices. It has also been included in the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index for the sixth year running. In the meantime, the Company is a constituent stock of MSCI China Index and a constituent member of FTSE4Good Index.

    As Li Xiaopeng, Chairman of Everbright Group pointed out, Everbright International processes excellent industrial technologies, keeps a sound financial structure, and delivers outstanding business performance. From both the financial and industrial perspectives, the Company is regarded as a world-class, trustworthy company with excellence, and is respected by the market, regulators and peers. Everbright International is forging ahead to grow into a world-class ecological and environmental management group with full confidence and enthusiasm.


    Website: https://www.ebchinaintl.com/en/global/home.php


    三、中国天楹 China Tianying Inc.


    1. General Introduction

    China Tianying Inc. (stock code:00035)(hereinafter referred as “CNTY”) is a listed international company engaged in urban services, end treatment and recycling of waste. Its main business model centers on the investment, construction, operation and maintenance of municipal environmental infrastructure projects, as well as the research and development, production and sales of environmental protection equipment. Its businesses range from Waste-to-Energy power generation, treatment of sludge, waste water, kitchen waste, hazardous waste, construction and demolition waste to landfill biogas development as well as investment and operation of waste classification and collection infrastructure. CNTY has been dedicated to building an entire waste management industry chain that integrates waste classification, collection, transfer and treatment.

    CNTY has been actively exploring the international market and acquired Urbaser Environmental Limited in 2018, which is by far the largest overseas buyout of a Chinese environmental protection company. As a world leading urban service provider, as of Q1 2019, CNTY owns approximately 41.3 billion yuan in assets. It operates in 31 countries and regions with nearly 60,000 employees. Its 400 plus WTE plants across the globe and treat 82,090 tonnes of waste per day, reducing 2.2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every year.

     2. Business Overview

    CNTY’s business covers project design and research, urban services, waste disposal and recycling, equipment manufacturing and the development and application of an Intelligent Urban Service Cloud Platform. Project design and research consists of industrial research, consultation, engineering design, technological R&D as well as environmental monitoring and analysis; urban services include waste classification, collection, street and river cleaning, recyclables collection and green area maintenance; waste disposal and recycling involve waste-to-energy power generation, waste sorting and treatment of hazardous waste, construction and kitchen waste. In addition, CNTY also accommodates a world-leading assembly base for environmental-friendly complete equipment and a proprietary intelligent urban service cloud platform, which can achieve life-cycle management of waste.



    Website:  http://www.ctyi.com.cn/en/index.html

    四、锦江环境 JINJIANG Environment

          Zheneng Jinjiang Environment Holding Company Limited (“Zheneng Jinjiang Environment” or the “Company”) is a forerunner and leading waste-to-energy operator in China’s waste-to-energy (“WTE”) industry. In 1998, Zheneng Jinjiang Environment constructed the first WTE facility in China to utilise differential-density circulating fluidised bed technology. The Company is the first WTE operator to develop and industrialise the differential-density circulating fluidised bed technology in China. The Company has an established track record in investment, construction, operations, and management, and is currently one of the largest private WTE operator in terms of waste treatment capacity in China.

          On 3 August 2016, Zheneng Jinjiang Environment was successfully listed on the Mainboard of the Singapore Exchange, marking an important milestone for the Company. Zheneng Jinjiang Environment is the first WTE operator to list in Singapore and the first Chinese-funded enterprise to list since 2011.As at 31 December 2019, Zheneng Jinjiang Environment operates 21 WTE facilities and 4 resource recycling projects in 13 provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities in China, with a total waste treatment capacity of 30,380 tons/day and an installed electricity power generation capacity of 632MW. After the completion of all the projects under construction and preparation in the whole nation,  Southeast Asia, South Asia and South America, the total waste treatment capacity of Zheneng Jinjiang Environment will reach to 65,746 tons/day.

          Zheneng Jinjiang Environment is ranking top in both municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment capacity and business distribution. The company is striving to be a promoter and leader in domesticalization of MSW incineration technology, an integrator of CFB and grate technologies as well as an excellent regulator in WTE plant operation. Currently, the company has extended its business scope to wastewater, sludge, and actively advocated an enterprise philosophy of technical innovation to build venous industrial park.

          In future, Zheneng Jinjiang Environment will actively popularize domestic technology and integrate the cutting-edge international technology to focus on and practice comprehensive resource utilization and high efficient energy production. Meanwhile, based on ecological circulation, Zheneng Jinjiang Environment takes in the concept of "Internet +" to forge an industrial chain combining intelligence, science and technology with humanization so as to make itself an world-class professional integrated service provider. Rooted in China and looking into developing countries in Southeast Asia, South Asia and South America, Zheneng Jinjiang Environment will invest in more projects to make more contributions to environmental protection and social economy development.


    Website: http://en.znjjhj.com/report.html

    © 2020 Zhejiang University www.iccwte.org International Consultant Committee of Waste to Energy visits:292015