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    Prof. Xiaodong Li

    Institute of Thermal Energy Engineering, Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University. 13605809423.lixd@zju.edu.cn

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    Prof. Agamutu Pariatamby

    Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development, Sunway University. Sunway, Malaysia. +60122382049, profagamuthu@gmail.com

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    Assoc. Prof. Johann Fellner

    Vienna University of Technology, Austria. johann.fellner@tuwien.ac.at

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    Prof. Herri Susanto

    Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, herri@che.itb.ac.id

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    Prof. Masaki Takaoka

    Kyoto University, Japan, takaoka.masaki.4w@kyoto-u.ac.jp

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    Prof. Choi Sangmin

    Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Email: smchoi@kaist.ac.kr

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    Prof. Mika Horttanainen

    Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT University), Finland, Mika.Horttanainen@lut.fi

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    Dr. Wichitra Singhirunnusorn

    Mahasarakham University, Thailand, wichitra.s@msu.ac.th

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    Prof. David Olukanni

    Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. david.olukanni@fulbrightmail.org

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    Prof. Mi Yan

    Zhejiang University of Technology, China, +8615068798956, yanmi1985@zjut.edu.cn

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    Prof. Azeem Khalid

    PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Pakistan, azeem@uaar.edu.pk

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    Prof. Nurak Grisdanurak

    Dept of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Thammasat University, THAILAND. Email: gnurak@engr.tu.ac.th

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    Mr. Hannu Lepomäki

    VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., Finland, hannu.lepomaki@gmail.com

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    Prof. Md Younus Mia

    Stamford University Bangladesh, mdmia1998@gmail.com

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    Prof. Huiyan Zhang

    School of energy and environment Southeast University, hyzhang@seu.edu.cn

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    Associate Prof. Hao Zhang

    Zhejiang University, China.15105813531.zhang_hao@zju.edu.cn

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    Assoc Prof. Xiaoqing Lin(secretary)

    Dioxin Laboratory, Thermal Energy Institute, China. 15868123667. linxiaoqing@zju.edu.cn

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    Associate Prof. Angjian Wu

    Zhejiang University, China, +86 13656679646, wuaj@zju.edu.cn

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