Prof. Xiaodong Li
Institute of Thermal Energy Engineering, Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University.
Institute of Thermal Energy Engineering, Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University.
Xiaodong Li, Ph.D., is a professor and a doctoral tutor of College of Energy Engineering in Zhejiang University. He mainly devotes himself in basic researches like waste incineration and utilization, generation and control of persistent organic pollutants (POPs, especially dioxin), environmental pollution risk assessment, low temperature plasma in energy and environment etc. He is the member of the Professional Committee of Persistent Organic Pollutants of the Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences, the director of the Education and Training Committee of the International Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council (WTERT), the expert member of the Environmental Protection Standards Committee of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the executive director of the Incineration Professional Committee of China Association of Environmental Protection Industry (CAEPI). He was also the expert of the National Coordination Group for the implementation of the Stockholm Convention and the member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of Finland National Material Value Chain Project.
As the project leader, Professor Li Xiaodong has undertaken more than 60 projects in National Key Research and Development Plans, sub-projects of Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (973), the National Natural Science Foundation of China and major scientific research projects in Enterprises. As the main winner, he won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award 3 times, and Zhejiang Science and Technology First Prize 3 times, the China Patent Excellence Award 2 times, and China Construction Science and Technology First Prize 1 time. During this period, he was also responsible for the research and preliminary design of several hazardous waste incineration plants.
Prof. Dr. Li Xiaodong has published more than 140 papers on SCI journals related to solid waste clean incineration, and over 50 papers in Chinese journals. More than 40 patents have been granted. Co-authored 2 books on solid waste clean incineration, and translated 1 book. He has edited or participated in several national standards and technical guidelines related to waste incineration. He co-edited 3 books with others, 2 of which were English works.
Prof. Agamutu Pariatamby
Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development, Sunway University. Sunway, Malaysia. +60122382049,
Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development, Sunway University. Sunway, Malaysia. +60122382049,
Dr. Agamutu is a Senior Professor in the Jeffrey Sachs center on Sustainable Development at Sunway University. Prior to this he was attached to University of Malaya for 44 years. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Sciences, Malaysia. He is the Founder Head of the Center for Research in Waste Management. He is appointed as the High-Level End Foreign Expert for the Ministry of Science and Technology, China and is also a Visiting Professor for Zhejiang University of Technology in Hangzhou, China. Current responsibilities include Senior Editor in Chief of Waste Management and Research, and Vice-President of the Society of Solid Waste Management Experts in Asia and Pacific Islands (SWAPI) and the Founder President of the Malaysian Society of Waste Management and Environment. He has authored over 460 peer-reviewed articles, proceedings and invited papers. He has done over 75 consultancy projects and supervised over 200 Master’s Degree students and 25 doctoral students. He has international cooperation in several countries such as UK, China, Austria, Japan, India to name a few. His research interest includes Solid Waste Management, Plastic and Microplastics, Marine Debris Landfills and Waste bto Energy to name a few.
Prof. Mi Yan
Zhejiang University of Technology, China, +8615068798956,
Zhejiang University of Technology, China, +8615068798956,
Prof. Dr., Mi Yan, received bachelor and Ph.D degree in Energy and Environmental Engineering at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. He also stayed 10 months in Columbia University, New York City, USA. Since 2012, he started work in Zhejiang University of Technology. He already published over 60 journal papers, and co-published 7 e-book. He do the research work in clean incineration of municipal solid waste, supercritical water gasification of food waste and sludge, and syngas cleaning. He already established cooperation with international researchers from over 10 countries, including USA, Japan, Finland, Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan, etc.
Prof. Herri Susanto
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia,
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia,
He works at department of chemical engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung. He has been devoting himself in thermodynamics and waste management. Prof. Herri has lots of friendly international cooperations with China.
Prof. Masaki Takaoka
Kyoto University, Japan,
Kyoto University, Japan,
Dr. Masaki Takaoka is a full professor in Department of Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan. After graduation of master course in Department of Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, Kyoto University in 1993, he worked as an assistant professor in the same department. His major subject is Management and Treatment of Solid Waste. Particularly his current research interests include energy from waste, control of toxic substances and recovery of valuable metals from waste. He is an associate editor in Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management since 2006 and Waste Management since 2019.
Prof. Choi Sangmin
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Email:
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Email:
Sangmin Choi is Professor Emeritus of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), and also is Qiushi Chair Professor of Zhejiang University. His academic interest covers Energy and Power, Combustion and Fuel, and Thermal Systems Design.
Choi has been active on WtE technology since 1992, when he organized the national project team for major introduction and establishment of municipal solid waste incineration plants in Korea. His expertise has been extended from the engineering design development through civil discussions on public concerns on the introduction of new technologies and health concerns, establishment and implementation of regulations and codes for design and operation of the facilities, and planning, evaluation, and auditing of the projects. He is willing to share his experience for the service of ICCWtE.
Prof. Mika Horttanainen
Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT University), Finland,
Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT University), Finland,
Dr. (Mr.) Mika Horttanainen is the Professor of Environmental Technology, especially Waste Management Technology (since 2005), and he is the Head of the Department of Sustainability Science (since 2016) in Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT University), Finland. The research of his team focuses on analysing the waste management systems and on finding environmentally and economically sustainable solutions for waste management, recycling and recovery. His team consists of an associate professor, a post-doc researcher, 6 PhD students and a varying number of Master’s thesis workers. Prof. Horttanainen has published 50 articles in peer reviewed scientific journals, 44 articles in scientific conferences and 45 research reports. He has supervised about 100 master’s thesis and 5 doctor’s thesis. He has co-operation with several partners from Finland, different European Union Countries, China and Russia. He has received his doctoral degree in 2001 in Lappeenranta University of Technology on the field of energy technology.
CV of prof. Horttanainen in LUT Research Portal:
Dr. Wichitra Singhirunnusorn
Mahasarakham University, Thailand,
Mahasarakham University, Thailand,
Dr. Wichitra Singhirunnusorn received her doctoral degree in Environmental Engineering from University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), US and two Master’s Degrees-one in Urban and Regional Planning from KMITL, Thailand and the other in Environmental Engineering from UCLA. Her expertise involves both technological and management aspects of environmental issues including biomass renewable energy, wastewater treatment processes, appropriate environmental technologies, spatial & environmental planning, etc. She has founded and directed the Multidisciplinary Research Center for Environmental Sustainability (MRCES), at the Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahasarakham University. The center has its aim to advance knowledge from different disciplines to solve the environmental problems in the sustainable manners. She also initiates the research group on Grass to Energy (G2E) under the center. Her renewable energy researches has centered on the utilization of the Second-Generation Biofuel including agricultural residues, energy grasses, and waste as feedstock for decentralized power generation in the regional area. Issues include biomass energy conversion technologies, energy grass cultivation, spatial distribution and potentiality of using crop residues for energy in Thailand.
Prof. David Olukanni
Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria.
Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria.
Dr. Olukanni is Professor for Waste Management at Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria. He served as the Head of Civil Engineering Department and as the Director of Quality Assurance and Academic Standards for Covenant University. He currently serves as the Director of Covenant University Central Instrumentation Research Facility (CUCIRF). He is a visiting scholar to the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at North Carolina State University. He serves on the Editorial Board and also as a reviewer for many journals. He also serves as assessor and external examiner for postgraduate dissertations and thesis in some Universities. More than 56 SCI publications in the field of waste management His research interests are Waste Management and Its applications, Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management and Wastewater Treatment System.
Assoc. Prof. Johann Fellner
Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
Johann Fellner is an associate professor of Vienna University of technology and deputy director of the Department resources and Waste Management in Austria. He is the founder of the EU standard Balance Method for carbon emission assessment of waste incineration. The main research fields include waste management and heat disposal, carbon emission assessment and optimization of solid waste disposal process, and efficient utilization of materials. He has published more than 95 SCI papers and won TUEV Science Award, Phoenix award of Austrian Waste Management Association, etc. The developed Balance Method has been applied to more than 13 waste incineration plants in Austria and is being popularized in other European countries
Prof. Azeem Khalid
PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Pakistan,
PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Pakistan,
Dr. Azeem Khalid is professor of environmental sciences at PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi-Pakistan. He has 22 years of teaching and research experience. He did his doctorate in 2001 in the field of environmental microbiology. Just after completion of his Ph.D, he received a UNESCO Scholarship and worked with renowned scientists at the International Centre for Biotechnology, Osaka University, Japan. Later, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of California, Riverside, USA. So far, he has supervised 8 doctoral students and 75 master students as a major supervisor. He is the author/co-author of numerous highly cited original research publications & reviews. His published work carrying impact factor >300 is well cited (citations >5700, H-index = 37, i10-index = 80) by international community. In recognition of his outstanding performance in research and teaching, he has been awarded ‘University Research Award-2020’, ‘PAS Gold Medal Award’ by Pakistan Academy of Sciences, ‘Best University Teacher Award’ by HEC, ‘Best Research Paper Awards’ by HEC, and several times ‘Research Productivity Award’ by PCST.
Prof. Nurak Grisdanurak
Dept of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Thammasat University, THAILAND. Email:
Dept of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Thammasat University, THAILAND. Email:
Short Biography
1989: Bachelor of Eng ineering (Honor) King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand Chemical Engineering
1996: Doctor of Phylosophy Colorado School of Mines, USA Chemical Engineering and Petroleum Refining
Post-Doctoral Fellowship New Jersey Institute of Technology (USA) 1996
Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP) 1999-2000
Gifu University (JP) 2009
Curtin University (AUS) 2012
2006-2016, 2019-2021. Environmental Impact Assessment approval committees (Section: Petrochmeical Industrials)
2016-2021. Environmental Impact Assessment approval committees (Section: Energy and Powerplants)
Mr. Hannu Lepomäki
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., Finland,
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., Finland,
Mr. Hannu Lepomäki has worked in industry for 26 years, focusing on industrial product development and accumulating rich experience in management and technology. Since 2019, he took office as Senior Advisor in VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. that aims to advance the utilisation and commercialisation of research and technology in commerce and society.
Besides his work in VTT, he is also a member of the board of directors of Flexens that provides renewable energy solution for commercial and industrial area; the partner and Member of the Board of Directors of Pixact that offers complete measurement solutions.
Research area: Integral technology solutions for industrial, commercial and personal. Management skills for business, government policies research, measurement technology for the real-time analysis of industrial process suspensions.
Research Interests: Renewable energy, digital technologies, carb neutral solutions
Stamford University Bangladesh,
Mr. Md Younus Mia: a professor and the vice-president of Stamford University Bangladesh. with 33 years experience in scientific research and teaching. Currently, he conducted several research projects related to solid waste management and environmental protection funded by Bangladesh. He is also a member of several academic society such as the carcinological society of Japan, Krishibid Institution, Bangladesh.
Prof. Huiyan Zhang
School of energy and environment Southeast University,
School of energy and environment Southeast University,
Dr. Huiyan Zhang: a professor and the Deputy Director of Development and Planning Office at Southeast University, awarded as the Chinese National Excellent Youth and Elsevier Global Highly Cited Scholar. His research focuses on organic waste conversion into value-added transportation fuels, chemicals and carbon materials. He also serves as Editorial Board or Guest Editor of 8 Journals including Fuel Processing Technology, Science of The Total Environment, etc.
Associate Prof. Hao Zhang
Zhejiang University,
Zhejiang University,
Dr. Hao Zhang received PhD in Power Engineering & Engineering Thermophysic from Zhejiang University in 2016, and worked as a postdoc researcher there from Nov. 2017 to Oct. 2019. He is currently a Humboldt Research Fellow at Bielefeld University, Germany. He also worked in the University of Liverpool in UK from Feb. 2015 to Oct. 2015 as a visiting PhD student.
His research has been largely focused on non-thermal plasma technology and its applications in the fields energy and environmental, combustion diagnostics and combustion chemistry, as well as carbon emission evaluation in waste-to-energy processes. He has authored over 40 peer-reviewed papers in journals of Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Hazardous Material, Journal of CO2 utilization, Fuel, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy etc., with citations of >650 and H-index of 16.
Assoc Prof. Xiaoqing Lin(secretary)
Dioxin Laboratory, Thermal Energy Institute, China. 15868123667.
Dioxin Laboratory, Thermal Energy Institute, China. 15868123667.
Xiaoqing Lin, male, Ph.D., associate professor, mainly engaged in the research of waste resource utilization and pollutant control. He obtained a Ph.D. in engineering from Zhejiang University in June 2015 and was promoted to associate professor in December 2018. He participated in major scientific research projects such as the National 973 Plan, the 863 Plan, and the Innovation Research Group of the Fund Committee. As the project leader, he chaired 1 National Natural Science Foundation project, 2 sub-projects of the National Key Research Project, Central University Fund and National Key Laboratory 1 for each fund, 1 for the "Yucai Project" project of the Zhejiang Provincial Science and Technology Association, and more than 20 enterprise projects, etc., with the first/corresponding author in CHEM ENG J, J HAZARD MATER, CHEMOSEHERE and other waste energy utilization and pollution control Published 24 papers in authoritative journals in the field, applied for 5 invention patents, and participated in the preparation of "Technical Guidelines for Domestic Waste Fluidized Bed Incineration Engineering".
Associate Prof. Angjian Wu
Zhejiang University, China, +86 13656679646,
Zhejiang University, China, +86 13656679646,
Dr. Wu Angjian received Bachelor and Ph.D degree in Energy and Environmental Engineering at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 2011 and 2017, respectively. Since 2017, he works as Postdoc at department of energy engineering, Zhejiang University. He has published 17 papers as first author or corresponding author, including some on Applied Energy, ChemElectroChem and International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. He works as a joint postdoc at university of California, Berkeley. His research interests include plasma catalysis, electrochemistry and waste-to-energy technology