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  • Together for a Sustainable Future -The 6th International Training Workshop of Waste to Energy successfully opened

    The opening ceremony of 6th International Training Workshop of Waste to Energy was successfully held on October 18th, 2022. This training workshop was hosted by Zhejiang University, jointly organized by Zhejiang University of Technology and International Consultant Committee of Waste to Energy (ICCWtE), and four Chinese leading industrial enterprises on waste to energy. The workshop will last for two weeks from Oct. 18th to Nov. 1st.


          The opening ceremony was hosted by Prof. Xiaodong Li from the Institute of Thermal Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University, who is the chair of the workshop and ICCWtE. Officers from the Department of Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province, the International Cooperation Department of Zhejiang University, College of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University, Zhejiang University of Technology and representatives from leading companies addressed welcome speeches for the successful holding of the workshop this year. In addition, Prof. Agamutu Pariatamby, academician of the Malaysian Academy of Sciences, as co-chair of ICCWtE, Mr Reda Kabbaj, co-chair of International Waste to Energy Research and Technology Committee (WtERT), and the representative of former workshop trainees, Ahmad Shalihin Mohd Samin also attended and gave warmly speeches. After that, all 34 participants of this training workshop introduced themselves online and expressed their sincere appreciation on the efforts endeavored by the organizers.


    Since 2016, five training workshops of WtE have been successfully held and ultimately trained 117 trainees from 22 developing countries, including Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Pakistan, India, Brazil, Mexico, Egypt, Nigeria, etc. The trainees came from government agencies, universities, research institutes, enterprises, non-governmental organizations, etc. This year, the 6th workshop received over 80 applications from 17 countries crossing over Asia, Africa and South America. After a rigorous selection, 34 trainees from 13 countries including Egypt, Kenya, India, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Serbia, Sudan, Yemen, Zambia and Thailand were finally enrolled in this workshop for a total two-week online training. The courses will cover waste incineration technology, equipment manufacturing, operation management, business model, and other related courses. Meanwhile, innovative "Cloud Classroom", "Metauniverse Forum" and "Cloud Visit" were proposed to explore a new mode of immersive online training and expand new routes and space for the future international cooperation.

    The 6th International Training Workshop of Waste to Energy is also strongly supported and sponsored by Shanghai SUS Environment Co., Ltd., China Everbright Environment Group Limited, China Zheneng Jinjiang Environment Co., Ltd., China Tianying Inc., and Hangzhou Energy Society, etc.


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