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    Latest News and Policy

    27th April 2024

    The International Energy Agency released the 2023 Annual CO2 Emission Report

    24th April 2024

    Discussion on development opportunities and countermeasures of building solid waste resource industry

    19th April 2024

    Study on centralized disposal of hazardous wastes and comprehensive utilization of resources

    17th April 2024

    The countermeasures and suggestions of domestic waste plastic pollution control in China

    14th April 2024

    The groundbreaking ceremony for Kyrgyzstan's first waste-to-energy project has taken place, with a Chinese company investing $95 million in its construction.

    9th April 2024

    Private enterprises are "going global" again, involving multiple fields such as solid waste disposal, environmental services, and new energy.

    5th April 2024

    What is a "waste-free city"?

    3rd April 2024

    Update of International Renewable Energy Classification

    29th March 2024

    Near-zero carbon living comes true in Hainan's Boao, providing model for green development

    26th March 2024

    The goal of zero waste in Europe is failing, with 30 million tons of garbage rushing to Asia every year, and Turkey and India become the

    21st March 2024

    The International Energy Agency (IEA) issued "CO2 Emissions in 2023"

    20th March 2024

    More than 10 billion tons of solid waste will be added every year for comprehensive utilization

    8th March 2024

    785 thousand tons! IAG passed the largest SAF procurement agreement to date!

    5th March 2024

    The amount of the global carbon emissions is 37.4 billion tons in 2023!

    1st March 2024

    Soil and groundwater remediation Industry Review in 2023 and development Outlook in 2024

    27th February 2024

    Waste free city creates a new benchmark for solid waste treatment

    24th February 2024

    Emphasis on collaborative disposal, waste incineration is in the C position! The first relevant national standards will be implemented

    19th February 2024

    The guest lineup and detailed schedule of the Suzhou Municipal Solid Waste Classification and Treatment and Resource Utilization Conference are announced, and meet in Suzhou from March 1st to 3rd

    9th February 2024

    The connotation and classification of low value recyclable materials

    7th February 2024

    Current status and prospects of waste/agricultural methane emission control and resource utilization

    © 2020 Zhejiang University www.iccwte.org International Consultant Committee of Waste to Energy visits:292014